The Third Eye Wellness

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The Importance of Staying Positive

There are times in our lives when everything feels overwhelming. We might face days at work when the responsibilities seem too much to handle, days when our house doesn’t feel like a “home,” or days when we feel like we’re not doing enough. These feelings can hugely impact our physical and mental health, making our bodies feel weak and our minds feel numb. During such times, we often wonder if there is a way to overcome them.  A lot of people would find  numerous ways such as doing activities that makes them busy or reach out to friends and family. However, there are times when it is not enough and the real answer to overcoming days when life feels unbearable is by staying positive.

Understanding the Positive Mindset

Some people might disagree, arguing that staying positive cannot be the solution. They may ask, “How can always being happy be the solution?” or “Why is being positive easier for some people?” To create a positive mindset, we need to understand clearly what it means to have a “positive” outlook.

Having a positive mindset does not mean ignoring our responsibilities or pretending that everything is perfect. It involves approaching life’s challenges with hope, resilience, and a desire to grow. Moreover, it’s a mindset that takes time to build but can lead you to have a better outlook on life.

How can I Develop a Positive Mindset?

Having Self-awareness

To build a positive mindset, you need to start by getting to know yourself better and being mindful of yourself. This means tuning into your thoughts and attitudes, which you can do by practicing mindfulness, keeping a journal, or simply taking a moment to reflect on how you feel. By understanding what’s going on inside your head, you can shift from a negative mindset to a more positive and uplifting one.

Setting Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is a key factor because it gives you a clear path to follow and keeps you motivated. When you set goals that are actually achievable, you know where you’re headed and can see how your efforts are paying off. This sense of accomplishment boosts your confidence and keeps you feeling optimistic. To get started, break your goals into smaller steps and set deadlines to keep yourself on track. Also, start checking in on your progress regularly, and don’t forget to celebrate your wins along the way, no matter how small they are.

Embracing Challenges and Failure

It's all about how you look at things. Start seeing challenges and failures not as roadblocks, but as chances to grow and learn. When you face difficulties with a positive attitude, you can turn them into valuable lessons that help you get better and stronger. Moreover, building resilience through positive thinking means realizing that setbacks are just part of life and using them to boost your determination and adaptability.


If you start practicing these every day, you will notice that your quality of life will improve, and find lasting happiness. Remember, it takes time and effort to develop a positive mindset, but it’s worth it. Enjoy the journey, celebrate your progress, and see how your life becomes more fulfilling and joyful.

If you want to learn more about how you can start creating a positive mindset, try booking our emotional breakthrough session, it will help you start looking at life more positively.