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The Common Causes for Self-Doubt

Understanding Self Doubt

First of all, what is self-doubt? Self-doubt is a feeling that causes uncertainty and a lack of self-confidence. It can prevent you from reaching your full potential, causing you to miss opportunities that could foster personal growth. Self-doubt can also lead to avoiding conflicts due to discomfort with confrontations or fear of negative outcomes. While these feelings are common, consistently avoiding confrontational situations can result in self-blame, which we want to avoid.

Common Causes for Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can come from many places, shaping how we see ourselves and our abilities. It might arise from past failures or humiliations. It can come from internal pressures to meet certain life standards. It can come from comparing ourselves to others where it can make us feel insecure about our own lives. The following below are common causes of self-doubt.

Past Failures

We all experience moments in our lives when our failures remind us of setbacks. These setbacks can make us question our abilities and resilience, causing us to miss growth opportunities. Overcoming self-doubt from past failures allows us to learn from these experiences, viewing them as chances to grow and using them to strengthen our determination to create the life we want for ourselves.


There's nothing wrong with wanting to achieve perfection in what you do, but setting unrealistic standards can lead to self-doubt. Striving for perfection often results in ongoing dissatisfaction with our goals. The fear of criticism or failure makes it difficult for us to accept anything less than flawless results. We must remind ourselves to set achievable goals, view mistakes as opportunities to learn, and be kinder to ourselves.

Comparing to others

When we see others thriving while we feel “stuck” where we are right now, it causes us to feel envious and doubt what we are doing. One example is where our colleagues and friends are posting on social media. They are traveling outside the country or partying. This will make us feel left out or mad at ourselves how come we are not able to do that. Hence, this is why it is important to acknowledge that everyone has their own lives and we cannot compare their lives with ours. Everyone is growing into the person they want to be at their own pace. It is also important to remind ourselves that no matter how small our achievements can be or how each day is slowly getting better. It is still worth celebrating.

Personal Insecurities

Whether we like it or not, we are the biggest critics of ourselves. We judge the way we present ourselves, the way we handle things, and the way we handle our relationships. These insecurities would usually come from past experiences, past trauma, and our own beliefs. This leads us to remind ourselves that we should address insecurities because this will help us challenge those negative perceptions of ourselves and practice more self-care practices.

Imposter Syndrome

Despite having so many accomplishments, we have the fear that we will be exposed as fraud. This causes us to see our own success as luck rather than something that was done through hard work. Hence, we need to overcome our imposter syndrome. It won’t be easy but it will help you build confidence in yourself and love yourself more.


Overcoming self-doubt is not an easy task. However, by identifying its root causes, whether it is imposter syndrome or perfectionism, you can begin the journey toward greater self-confidence and self-acceptance. It is important to acknowledge that self-doubt is a common experience and that seeking help when needed is perfectly okay.

To start making a positive change for yourself, consider booking our Emotional Breakthrough Session to identify the root causes of your self-doubt. You can also register for our upcoming event, “Discover Your Power: Overcoming Self-Doubt,” happening on July 25, 2024, from 7 pm to 8 pm. Share this blog with a friend—this could be your chance to become a better version of yourself.