Event RegistrationAll events are in GMT+8 timezone (Philippine Time). Name * First Name Last Name Phone Number Please include country code if residing outside the Philippines. Email * For all communication purposes Where did you first hear about our events? * From browsing on this website FB Group: HEALING & WELLNESS PHILIPPINES Advertisement on Facebook/Instagram Facebook Page of The Third Eye Wellness Instagram Page of The Third Eye Wellness Email Newsletter by The Third Eye Wellness From ThetaHealing WhatsApp Group From a Community/Charity Organization Through a Google Search From a friend Other FB group Which events are you interested in? Open for everyone Reflections of Self With Maisha (March 16) (9:30 AM) (PHP 3800) Discover Your Power With Maisha (March 26) (7:00 PM) Notify me for any updates Which ThetaHealing events are you interested in? Exclusive to ThetaHealing® Students Healing Circle: Mastering Self-Healing With Maisha (March 17) (8:00 PM) Notify me for any updates 💜 Invite a loved one to attend with you. Question/ Suggestion Thank you! Your response has been recorded. Kindly expect us to contact you within 1-2 days.For inquiries, please contact us at manila@thirdeyeonline.com and +63 917 636 2800. If you want to submit another entry, simply refresh the page.