ThetaHealing® Forgiveness, Love and Power
In this class you will learn where true power comes from how to cultivate it with love. Forgiveness is needed in order for love to thrive and the most unforgivable moments are the ones we need our attention. We will uncover the reasons why people have betrayed and abandoned us the moment we needed them the most.
This class will allow you to see what that person thought and felt during those situations to help you understand and forgive them. This class will bring into your awareness the deep rooted resentments you carry and allow you to truly release them. Forgiveness allows us to feel at ease when we think about or see the person we resent. When we forgive ourselves, it makes it easier to forgive others. When true forgiveness is achieved, we are liberated and our lives ultimately improves from health, relationships and manifestations.
Kim (Iowa, USA)
“I have learned so much, and I am so grateful to be able to feel and know my true power. Thank you, Goran!”
When we are in power, we know our true purpose and meaning in life and we are able to shift our energy towards that.
In this course we will release the blocks and allow forgiveness, love and personal power to enter our lives allowing us to be more patient and compassionate with ourselves and others.
Callie (Iowa, USA)
“I have always had big dreams and goals, yet I always felt like there was something holding me back.”
Through this class, I was opened up to the all the ways I was holding myself back with my skewed perspective of love and giving my power away. I am incredibly grateful for Goran’s guidance in breaking the illusions and connecting with my true self through Creator’s perspective and unconditional love.
Course Details
$620 | P25,000 | ¥4,950
*We accept cash, cheque, bank deposit and credit card.
0% Installment Plans:
*Early bird rates are eligible for 3 months
*Regular rates are eligible for 12 months
Course fee includes:
Lunch, snacks, coffee and tea
Journal and pen
Think What You Think Manual
Certificate from the ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Jan (Iowa, USA)
“I’ve never attended such a powerful class. Forgiveness of self makes so much room for Creator’s love.”
Belief I’m worthy of that love. Goran is a teacher that reflects Creator’s unconditional love. It was a privilege to be in the class. I love Goran’s style of leading and working with you as an individual. His eyes can read my soul.
Upcoming Classes
Browse through and enroll in the upcoming ThetaHealing® certification classes.
Each class has limited slots and we recommend choosing the nearest schedule.
For inquiries, contact us. Refer a student here.