8 Helpful Ways to Achieve Good Mental Health on Holidays

We Filipinos are known to be hospitable. We love hosting parties and gatherings, especially when there's no school or work to attend because of the holidays. But let's talk about the other side of the coin: holidays are stressful.

There is a pressure to make some commitments, spend time, or catch up with friends or loved ones, and an expectation that we'll do it all smoothly. So, it's no surprise that our mental health can deteriorate during the holidays.

According to the Department of Health (DOH), the holiday season sends mixed emotions to some Filipinos because it makes stress, anxiety, and depression worse for people with mental health issues.

The feeling that our lives aren't turning out as we expected or planned may all combine and become overwhelming. This means we are more prone to negative thoughts and more emotionally sensitive than usual. 

There are helpful ways to achieve good mental health throughout the holiday.

  1. Be patient with yourself. You might think it is necessary to make a jampack of commitments when free. But remember that sometimes, you must set realistic expectations, respect your feelings, and do your best to manage them without putting too much pressure on yourself.

  2. Make time for yourself. The holidays can cause your routine to change or become busier than usual. Before you fill up your calendar, think about what works best for your wellness. Adding flexibility to your schedule can also help you develop healthy habits.

  3. Get up and move. Doing exercise is beneficial to your health for various reasons. It can help you release the "feel-good" hormones called endorphins and dopamine in your brain. It also helps your brain release chemicals that cause stress and anxiety.

  4. Maintain a healthy diet. While there's no shame in allowing yourself to enjoy the food you can eat, maintaining a healthy diet during holidays is one way to improve your mood. If you know you'll be tempted to overeat at a holiday gathering, bring healthy options or practice portion control.

  5. Say 'no' if you need to. One of the triggering factors of holidays is going to the house you grew up in and being around family members who wounded your inner child. But it is essential to honor your needs and limitations. Besides, saying no to others can help you say yes to yourself, and it's one of the most effective tools for holiday mental health.

  6. Spend time with people you feel the most connected to. Try not to isolate yourself, especially if you are feeling the symptoms of serious mental health issues. Connect with your solid support system, whether family, friends, or community.

  7. Practice gratitude. Recognize the small things others do for you and reciprocate with gestures that show your appreciation. This removes negative thoughts and actions and replaces them with positive ones.

  8. Live in the now. Make mindfulness and stay present your ultimate gift to yourself and others. Pay close attention to your friends and family, savor your food and drink, and minimize social media usage. 

Despite all the stress and overwhelming feelings of holidays, accept that it is stressful and permit yourself to feel that way. Remind yourself that the feelings will not last forever and that you can change things.

This could include putting some of the tips mentioned above into action. It could also mean talking to someone about your feelings and sharing your holiday experiences.

If you’d like to talk to a professional healer/coach to take charge of your emotional and mental health, you can Book a FREE 20-minute session for you or for someone you care and experience ThetaHealing® today.


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