What Creates Limiting Beliefs and How to Overcome Them

Do you find yourself limiting your potential by avoiding challenges in which you believe you are not good? If so, you are not alone! This behavior may indicate that certain self-beliefs are hindering your progress.


Limiting beliefs are the negative thoughts and beliefs that hold us back from achieving our full potential. These beliefs can be formed due to various life factors like childhood experiences, cultural influences, and past failures. They can also manifest in our relationships, careers, and personal growth. In order to conquer these limiting beliefs, it is essential to recognize them and learn how to overcome them.


Below are several factors that create limiting beliefs:

1. Family Values and Beliefs

Your parents and other family members significantly shape your beliefs and values, even before you become fully aware of them. From a young age, we form our core beliefs, primarily influenced by what we learn from our family, intentionally or unintentionally.

In most cases, these beliefs are held by your family, which they pass on to you. They could pertain to specific career paths, preferences in music, or hobbies. Over time, you start to internalize these beliefs, which contribute to forming your own set of limiting beliefs based, at least in part, on what you have learned from your family.


2. Education

The people you learn from, whether they are teachers, family members, or friends, have a profound effect on shaping your beliefs. When someone's role is to provide you with information and share their beliefs, you tend to internalize them. Suppose the person teaching you is someone you admire and hold in high regard. In that case, you are more likely to accept everything they say without a doubt.


3. Life Experiences

Every life experience leaves an impression that lingers within you. The conclusions you draw from these experiences greatly influence your future choices and actions. For example, you once drove a car with manual transmission and didn't enjoy the experience.

When presented with the chance to drive a manual vehicle again, you may decline the opportunity based on your recollection of disliking it in the past.


Effective Ways to Overcome Limiting Beliefs:

1. When you encounter fear or resistance towards an activity, take a moment to pause and reflect. Recognize that you are experiencing "low-mood thinking."

2. Take the time to jot down your thoughts and try to identify the stories or false narratives you are telling yourself. Recognize that these "lies" were created by assigning meanings to events, but they do not define the truth about who you are.

3. To change false beliefs into truths, look for evidence that disproves your limiting thoughts.

4. You alone have control over your thoughts and your life. Remember, a thought is simply a thought, and a feeling is just a feeling. They do not define your true self and will eventually fade away.

5. Seeking support from someone else can be beneficial. If you desire to replace your old, restrictive narrative with empowering beliefs about yourself, leading to a life filled with harmony and motivation, don't hesitate to reach out for the assistance you require to accomplish this transformation.

You can also take steps to overcome limiting beliefs by enrolling in ThetaHealing® classes. By tapping into the power of your subconscious mind, you begin to let go of limiting beliefs and unlock your true potential.


Book a FREE 20-minute session for you or for someone you love and experience ThetaHealing® today!




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