10 Most Common Relationship Problems and How to Fix Them

It's no secret that in every relationship, it's not always rainbows and sunshine.

Every couple will experience some bumps in the road, whether you're just beginning a relationship or in the middle of it.

Working through these bumps can be challenging work and quickly become overwhelming, especially when you just are going to put your problems under the rug.

Identifying the problems is the first step to solving them. These are the common problems people in a relationship encounter and the ways to handle them:


Problem #1: Poor communication

The best relationships are built on the foundation of healthy communication. Without this, the strongest of relationships fall apart.

When you and your partner have poor communication, you avoid hard conversations altogether or communicate in a way that may or may not be felt by your partner.

The solution:

Communicating is a skill that takes time and practice, and it's something we need to do to get along and encourage each other.

Start by ensuring you're talking face-to-face and know how to express yourself through facial expressions. Next, ask them what they like and don't like about their relationship so you can better understand each other.


Problem #2: Lack of Appreciation

We, as humans, love to receive appreciation and positive attention from others.

That's why in long-term relationships, it is easy for the giver to take each other for granted and stop appreciating the small things, which often leads to arguments over small things, a lack of enthusiasm for special occasions, and being distant.

The solution:

Gently remind yourself and your partner of all you love about each other. Tell them how much they mean to you and keep a spark alive.


Problem #3: Unrealistic Expectations

While it's okay to have standards and expectations of the relationship, unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment.

Disappointment comes from unreal expectations, like expecting your partner to change their values or be the source of all your happiness.

The solution:

To avoid these unrealistic situations, express your expectations and seek to understand your partner's perspective. Do not assume anything; do not leave your partner to second-guess and deliver on all your desires.


Problem #4: Lack of Boundaries

Boundaries are one of the most challenging steps to set in any relationship.

While there is no clear-cut answer on what should be included in ensuring a perfect relationship, setting boundaries goes a long way towards keeping your partner happy and respected.

The solution:

As a couple, it is essential to discuss the boundaries that are needed within your relationship. Check-ins can be used to reaffirm that your boundaries are being respected and keep you both informed on the other's needs and feelings.


Problem #5: Keeping Score

This happens if you keep count of the number of battles won and lost within a relationship, which is likely to lead you to view your partner as an enemy rather than a friend. 

The solution:

Learn to deal with this problem by not keeping track of who won in fights and disagreements.

Concentrate on the big picture and let go of the minor battles where you may have had to compromise. Your priority should be making sure that you can be there for each other.


Problem #6: Trust Issues

Your relationship is in trouble if you and your partner don't trust one another—important relationships, whether sexual, spiritual, or familial, are built on trust.

Finding the source of the issue is crucial if you lack confidence in your relationship.

The solution:

Your relationship will feel secure, and your trust will grow when you and your partner learn to care for each other's needs. Both partners must listen to each other when you talk about your needs and commit to taking care of them.

Planning dates together is a great idea to give yourself and your partner ample time to discuss your needs, as it may be tough to have an emotional conversation in the heat of the moment.


Problem #7: Overinvolvement

When we find someone we adore, we want to share everything with them and have them reciprocate. This, however, can lead to feelings of losing one's individuality, freedom, and sense of accomplishment.

The solution:

Consider areas you want to keep to yourself that give you a sense of accomplishment and freedom. It could be a hobby or participation in sports. Talk to your partner about this new change so they feel accepted, and introduce it gradually.


Problem #8: Extreme Jealousy

A fleeting pang of jealousy is acceptable if your partner gives or receives too much attention from another person.

Feeling a knot in your stomach if they succeed at something you haven't been able to do is also normal. However, if jealousy becomes a stronghold, it can make your relationship toxic. 

The solution:

If your partner is jealous, you must be open and honest in all your interactions with them and constantly reassure them. Sometimes jealousy and trust issues coexist, so you must learn how to overcome both jealousy and trust issues in your relationship.


Problem #9: Financial Problems

Financial issues are frequently significant in relationships at any stage, whether you're deciding who pays for the date or has a joint checking account.

Because finances are often taboo, people avoid discussing debt, spending habits, and budgets, which can cause significant problems in your relationship. 

The solution:

Make sure you're working with a plan that both of you can agree on and stick to and create an environment where both of you feel comfortable talking about money. The clearer agreements you have and the more comfortable you are discussing financial issues, the quicker you'll see positive changes in your relationship. 


Problem #10: Future Mismatch

The future might imply many different things, depending on the stage of your relationship.

Are you now just hooking up and wishing to establish exclusivity? Do you two wish to live together, and are you dating? Do you want to discuss getting married or finding another type of relationship?

Failure to discuss any of these issues could result in feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and misunderstandings about your goals.

The solution:

When planning for the future, you must remember that you don't know everything. What your partner thinks they want may change once they experience it.

Your partner's goals and dreams are unique, and not all partners will have the same plans for the future. However, you can help create an open dialogue with your partner to help them feel comfortable talking about their feelings, especially if it's their first time in a relationship.

Every relationship has ups and downs, and how you resolve these issues demonstrates true strength and understanding. As cliche as it may sound, a strong spark is never enough; you must accept that difficult times will come, and how long they last will be determined by how you choose to deal with them.

All of the problems above are best faced with honest and respectful communication. However, it is inevitable at times to need another set of eyes and expert opinion.

If you would like to get clarity on your relationship struggles, you can book yourself or a friend for a FREE 20-minute ThetaHealing® 1:1 Session through this link.


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